Trotinete Freestyle Striker

SCOOTPEDIA Guide – Street vs. park scooters
Park riding is faster and more demanding on body & mind coordination than street riding. Street riding is more aggressive and hard. Learn more

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  1. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Youth Gold Black

    Pret special 183,42 EUR Pret standard 188,12 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
  2. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Youth Clear Teal

    Pret special 183,42 EUR Pret standard 188,12 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
  3. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Silver Limited Edition

    Pret special 147,98 EUR Pret standard 195,88 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
  4. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Black Chrome

    Pret special 147,98 EUR Pret standard 195,88 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
  5. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Youth Clear Silver

    Pret special 183,42 EUR Pret standard 188,12 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
  6. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Youth Black Silver

    Pret special 183,42 EUR Pret standard 188,12 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
  7. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Youth Black

    Pret special 183,42 EUR Pret standard 188,12 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
  8. Trotinetă Freestyle Striker Lux Black Lime

    Pret special 147,98 EUR Pret standard 189,92 EUR
    Epuizat din stoc
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